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Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy Veterans Day

We are proud of Mr. Darling every single day, but on this very special day, we get to celebrate his service to our country. Like any parent, we want to protect the innocence of our children for as long as possible, yet we believe that it's never too early to bring awareness to the importance of respecting and honoring all who serve and have served in the armed forces.

Having the discussion with your children about the meaning of Veterans Day is necessary for their understanding of what it means to serve and protect our nation.You can begin this conversation with your children by something as simple as bringing their attention to a service man or woman in uniform, or writing a letter to someone who is deployed.

Our daughter Izzy often asks, when she sees a man in uniform at the airport, if he works with her Daddy. Since she has no problem striking up a conversation with just about anyone, I encourage her to thank the service men and women she meets for protecting our country. This act has lead to many conversations surrounding patriotism and also shows her, that expressing thanks can give more to someone's heart than a physical token of gratitude.

I can't wait for the day when our children can fully understand the meaning of their father's service and how it changed our lives forever. Through our military family we learned to cherish every moment together, the importance of patience, the deeper meaning of sacrifice and the beauty of family created by ties stronger than one could ever explain.

I am proud to be able to call my husband a Veteran and I am thankful to have raised our daughter in a community belonging to a band of brothers who willingly and selflessly protect our right to live in freedom and peace.

Happy Veterans Day to the leader of the Darling home-front and all of the brave men and women who have served, those who are serving now and all who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Thank you for protecting our country and the freedom that we hold so dearly to our hearts.

With love,
Mrs. Darling

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